Office cleaning
How it works?
We have clear and transparent prices. If you are ready to regularly order cleaning at the office, we are ready to offer one free test cleaning. After that, we will draw up all the necessary documents and will send an invoice once a month. We are responsible for quality and punctuality, quickly respond to changes and requests.
If you are ready to order regular cleaning of the office, our managers will send a commercial offer, we will draw up a schedule and make a checklist for your cleaning. You will no longer need to control this process anymore and spend time organizing cleaning.
Our goal is to make this service comparable in value to the salary of individual employees of your company who are responsible for cleanliness and order. But you do not need to pay taxes, vacation pay, or look for a replacement in case of illness - we will do it.
We are also ready to provide discounts on regular cleaning for employees of your office, help in servicing corporate events.